Sunday, July 13, 2008

Crooked Spines & Squished Organs

Most people shrink as they get older. However, people with crooked spines shrink much faster.
quished organs.
In my case, my pre-surgerical respiration tests showed a 69% lung function. (Generally, that's what kills those unfortunates with extreme cases.)

Additionally, pressure on my stomach meant I was no match a Big Mac and fries. (You moms knew that sensation when you were 8 1/2 months pregnant.) BTW, this was NOT an asset, as you might assume.

Finally, my bladder grew
tinier and tinier with each passing year. When I'd venture away from home, the location of the bathroom became a critical issue. I could last 30 daytime minutes, with luck. At night, I hoped for a couple of hours before shuffling off to the john where I kept plenty of supplies . . .

Now that my spine is straighter,
My innards have a little elbow room and I look forward to years of deeper breathing, full platters of food, and less time on the throne. Actually, I am already experiencing major improvements in the last category. I sleep through the entire night beautifully and then wake up in the morning and roam around the house a bit before ever seeking bladder relief.

that tied me to the commode!


Leah said...

Ha ha ha. I absolutely love the pictures! Wow, I really had no idea about your frequent trips to the bathroom...I can sympathize! So glad to hear you can sleep through the night, how amazing! However, I do not find it likely that you will ever consume an entire plate full of food because that little stomach of yours has become use to the small portions. Love the updates, you are a great blogger!

Sarah Buma said...

Ginger! We need to catch up. I agree with Leah. Blogging was made for you! THANK YOU for sharing this experience with us. My children still pray for "Sister Woolley, Sister Creager, and Uncle John" every night. It's helped for them to see pictures and all exercise faith toward your healing and happiness. Love you! Sarah

K said...

Yes. Hmmm. I wonder what kind of surgery would allow me to sleep all night, cause I don't think it's pressure on the bladder. Maybe on the age.

By the way, that first illustration in the post after this one in time? it's anatomically incorrect. Unless you had more work done than I thought you had.

And that's not really your bathroom. Is it?/??