Thursday, June 19, 2008


Right gal.
Right vehicle.
Wrong place.

Today was my first Maiden Voyage. Yep! I was cleared for driving.

It took some work to convince my doctor that I am truly able-bodied, in spite of my handicap sticker which gives me until Halloween to achieve that desirable status.

It also took relinquishing Xanaflex, a powerful medication which has the ability to send folks off to La La Land.

I tossed the drugs and it was,all and all, a GREAT trade-off.

Here are my limits:

5 Miles Distance, MAX.

No Night Driving

Hmmm, I can live with those, I told the doctor nonchalantly, while my heart was singing "YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE!!!"

So where did I choose to go for my Maiden Voyage this afternoon? To the beauty parlor, naturally. (I know people don't call them beauty parlors in the 21st Century, but I was born in 1952 and find it endearing as well as age-identifying. Especially since I like my age.) So, it started as a little trimming of the bangs and ended as a full blown hair cut and style. I felt GLORIOUS! And I didn't look half bad either.

Did I run around town doing lots of little five-mile errands? No. I have matured into a moderate and cautious person who accepts her limits gracefully. (My doctor reads this blog.)

1 comment:

ssdyle said...

PERFECT first outing! And YEAH, I read your blog!!! LOL!!! I'm like Santa Claus-I know when you're not being goooood! I'm SO glad you are feeling good. Nothing like a hair style to make you feel like a million bucks-and since you now have about a million bucks of hardware in your spine, you're double worth it!!