Monday, June 16, 2008

I have been debating on whether or not I would include this shot that Kelty took of my gorgeous scar.

Some of you may tell me that my scar looks "striking", but not exactly attractive. Well, I just think it's the Cat's Meow. We all travel through some truly amazing journeys along the way, but not all of us have such a STUNNING piece of body art by which to remember a one of life's truly magnificent adventures.

Besides, my distinctive outsides match my one-of-a-kind insides. Being unique is such a delight!

Of course, it's only THREE WEEKS since this 28 inch slice was created on my back and the "look" of it will change. By the time I'm cleared for swimming, it won't be this brilliant red color. One will have to take a second look to really see it at all. That's okay. If they want to see the "raw" version, I can send them to this blog.

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