Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All Went Well

A short while ago, Dr. Boachie came to tell Arian, Kelty and Leah that Ginger's surgery went very well, and she came through it just fine. The doctor commented that her back is now dramatically different than before, and she will probably be under anesthetic until tomorrow. (reported by Dion - another member of Ginger's Fan Club)


BELL said...

If NYC is experiencing a gust of western wind tonight, it's because all of us out here in Utah, after holding our breaths all day, have just exhaled in the relief of hearing that all went well!
Sending love, hopes for steady progress in recovery, and blessings on the ones who are there supporting Ginger!

Bonnie said...

Hearing that all went well is the best news ever.

Carole said...

I can't tell you how happy I was to hear the good news that all went well with the operation. You are an truly an AMAZING lady!! May the Lord bless and keep you. You are in our prayers.