Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tricia's Coming Out to Join Us

Hey Family and Friends,

It is now Sunday afternoon and Duane's flight is scheduled to leave tomarrow evening. My wonderful Aunt Tricia has volunteered to come out, and has scheduled a flight that will arrive tomorrow. Through the last couple of days we have found that mom's care requires two people. She is now able to go to the bathroom, but needs one person to move the IV's and the other to support her on the way. Usually she needs help every couple of minutes because she is so disoriented and often wants to get up without help, a good example of her independent spirit :). There are several other reasons why having an older sibling around will be very helpful, we are excited to see you Aunt Tricia!

Our goal of getting mom the pain relief she needs without being too groggy is still in progress. She has been taking off the "pain pump" again, and has two different pill medications that should be more than enough to manage her pain. Duane and I have been in close communication with the nutritionist, pain specialists, and nurses and they have all been caring and understanding.

Mom has been either asleep or very confused today, partially from the meds and partially because she was up all night. The night nurse was a very skilled mother of two who has been a nurse for 18 years, and she comforted mom as much as possible, while making sure she was safe and getting the right amount of meds. Mom is not allowed to eat or drink at all because her stomach is still very distended. She is, however, on a drip of hydrating liquids (as long as we can keep her IV in!) Mom was very smart before this surgery and put on an extra 20 pounds, so we are hoping that she will not loose too much weight overall.

more soon! Thank you all for your support and please continue to keep mom in your prayers.



Rozan said...

Ging: Today Ariane, Emily and I (Rozan) hiked up Rock Canyon and when we got to a spot that we could remember sitting with you we stopped and made a little rose quartz rock pile with herbs from my herb garden and other flowers. We left a pink rock in the middle that represents you and we surrounded you with a pink quartz for each Ya including Char and Emily. There was lots of parsley which stands for merriment.That whole canyon is full of merriment because of you. I sprinkled my dirt from Moab and dedicated this hike to you and to your returning to us and being ready for Moab in October. I sprinkled Moab sand all the way down the trail. We love you girl. Keep improving.........

bronia said...


my thoughts and prayers were and are with you. I hope your stomach is feeling better by now. I agree that abdominal distention can be worse than any surgery! I always knew you were a trooper, but I find your courage unbelievable and your family fantastic! Keep it up girl!!!

Love, Bronia

Mujer said...

Ginger Dear~
I always knew you had grit, but gurl, you're exceeding yourself! I am SO proud of you! I just came back from a walk thru a nearby park, a walking meditation; you were part of it. I visualized you walking and being with little or no pain very soon. I love you very much, and you're always in my thoughts and prayers.

All love & aloha,

destination relocation said...

a gazillion thanks to your wonderful family for taking such amazingly loving good care of you.
s& d

ssdyle said...

Wow Ging you've got 6 days now past your surgery! Every day helps. I'm sure it must be very difficult to want to get up whenever you want to and require so much help. So glad all your caregivers are patient with you. Pretty soon all those IV's will be disconnected and you'll be able to move more freely. Meanwhile, stay patient!
We think about you all day long. We went for a very long hike yesterday out where we took you arrowhead hunting that day. Whenever we saw a really cool treeor something else, we'd say " Oh Ginger, would like this!", we took pictures with our phone and we'll send them to you when you want to see them. Sonny climbed to the top of an old Juniper tree to snoop into a Raven's nest. He was all prepared to bring home a raven baby for us to raise but we thought now wasn't such a good time-leave the baby raising to the raven parents (who were circling around his head like maniacs). Ravens are so smart they are actually a lot of work to raise. Maybe next spring!!
I'm sure it will be wonderful to have Tricia there-perhaps she can get away with bossing you around more than Kelty can! Sounds like they are continueing to get the pain meds just right, I hope they are finding the right combination so you can get some rest.
You can call me anytime-we got a phone call that came from Duane's phone this morning but all we could hear was background noise. Kelty, feel free to call anytime. I hesitate to dial Ging's number, I don't want to take a chance on waking her up if she's sleeping.
Hang in there everybody! Love you all,
Sue Dyle

Unknown said...

Ginger: I'm delighted to know that the surgery was successful and that you're making so much progress. Major stuff to overcome but if anyone is motivated to overcome everything it is you. Keep healing and return to the fold soon. Love to the whole clan.
Sue Bartlett

Ariane Newell said...

oh my gosh, Ginger girl you are looking so good! Hearing about your pain makes me cry, though. I know everyone wishes they could take it away for you. You are amazing to take this on and go through it. But look at you walking around! And your nurse does look very special, God bless her! thanks to Duane for putting up the video! and all the bloggers. Love to you, Kelty! and special love to Ginger! Ariane

bronia said...

Hi Ginger,

It was so good to see you on that video. I just wish I could take your pain and bury it in the dirt in my back yard as I dig around. I think about you often, and am excited to see you when you get back to Utah. Love, Bronia