Saturday, May 24, 2008

CT Scan

Just wanted to give you all a quick update on the CT scan... the doctor came back this evening and it was pretty clear there is nothing serious to worry about in her digestive tract. It's a serious case of distension, but after today, I think things are going much better. Her tummy is softer today even though it's still quite a bit bigger than usual. Some of the bloat is due to her own body's response to the surgery while some is due to the medication (causing constipation etc.). Phew.


ssdyle said...

Good to hear the CT scan was normal and that her "innards" are working normally today. It can't be easy on the digestive tract to lay on your stomach for hours and hours while they rearrange your back so I'm sure fluid collects in and around her stomach and intestinal area too, making the distention look worse. When she's up and and about more, I'm sure things will shake down more normally. I know the pain meds are making her loopy and not herself. I know she loves you guys and the care you are giving her. Now that things have settled down a bit let the nurses do their jobs and you guys get some breaks-maybe even take a walk or two?? You can't keep her going if you don't care for yourselves. I know how active you both are, so go burn off some of that pent up energy.
And Ginger, thought of you today as we took a beautiful little hike up Maple Canyon. Just a little narrow trail up to Whiting Campground so I could get the dogs out and get some exercise. It's been raining so much here the last few days we haven't gotten much outdoor "recreating" in at all. Heard the birds singing and as I crossed the little stream a couple of times thought of you and how you would enjoy this little trail. Thought about our little hike that day we hiked around one side of Moon Lake with the Ya's. Do you remember? Pretty soon we'll be able to do it again. You do what the nurses tell you to do and start getting some calories in so you can get your strength back so I can go hiking with your skinny little white butt again!!
You have devoted family and nursing staff and they want to do what's best for you and they've gotten lots of people through this, so you listen to them. Try to find your yoga breathing if you can. It's hard when you're out of control, but now you're to the point you should be able to find it now and again.
OK, enough advice from "Dr. Mom"! Don't make me kick your butt!! (made you smile!)
I'll write again tomorrow-we're going to go hiking again tomorrow, maybe I'll catch another baby rabbit or find you something cool. Do you have your arrowhead? You should put it by your bedside-think what its' been through to get to you-thousands of years of stability there.
Love you Ginger girl and Kelty and Duane, we know what you're going through. Call if you need ANYTHING. Take care of yourselves.
Sue & Sonny

Bonnie said...

I can only imagine how hard it is to watch your mother be in such pain. I'm glad you were able to get the results of the CT scan to set your mind at rest at little. The last comment had some good advice from Sue and Sonny. Kelty I got your sweet voicemail. Thanks for all you and Duane are doing.

Rachel MacKay said...

I'm so glad that all went well with the surgery, but so sorry to hear about the rough recovery. Our love and prayers are with you, spunky Aunt Ginger. (And with the rest of you--our amazing cousins!). Love, Brendon, Rachel & Elizabeth