Monday, May 19, 2008

This is my unquestionably final post!

All three of my children are here in New York. How blessed I am! Arian, my son, will stay for a couple of days. Leah, my eldest daughter, will return home to her babes after four days. Kelty, my youngest daughter, will stay by my side throughout my recovery. She and her husband plan to move into my home until I'm an independent woman once more. Isn't that the best?!

This afternoon, the four of us took a grand tour of Burke's Rehab, where I anticipated going after my week at the hospital. Well, it seems that they only want me if I can do a full schedule of physical therapy. However, I will not be able to do P.T. for a few months. Walking will be my only "rehab" according to Dr. Boachie. In other words, I'm not really a candidate for a rehabilitation facility. In fact, they told me they would probably release me under the circumstances. I'm glad we really got the scoop so we could redirect our course!

The NEW plan is to stay at the guest facility right next to the hospital until I am cleared to fly home. With Kelty's help, that is! My doctor says that his patients recover best in their own homes (with assistance) and his goal is to get me there as soon as possible.

How do I feel, just hours before this major spinal reconstruction?


I thank you all for caring enough to follow my recovery. This blog is for YOU and perhaps it will also be a way to share my experience with other people who are struggling with scoliosis and considering surgery.

It's been phenomenal to get all the little messages of encouragement posted on the blog. What would I do without wonderfully caring people in my life?!

Kelty will pick up messages here or at

Now, I'm off to bed and then, tomorrow at 1 p.m. EST, I'll be on the table, getting my IMPROVED SPINE!

Please, please, please send me your loving hearts so I can gather strength from you.


Mujer said...

Ginger my dear friend~ I'm with you in spirit today, sending prayers, love, and strength to you, and also a bit of laughter; something we do so well together.


Mom N said...

I'm praying as we speak (or blog)...

(this is Julie Nichols, Ginger, and I'm so glad for this high-tech method of spreading information! bzzzz, bzzzz, the prayers are buzzing upward!!!)