Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Morning

Duane arrived last night and was able to see Mom for a few minutes before visitor hours were over. I had to get a special pass from security to stay into the morning. This morning Duane acquired a visitor pass at 7am and was the first to arrive, then I joined him at 9am when visitor hours began.

She seems to be in less pain today. The P.T. assistant came this morning and Mom walked all the way out into the hall and then back to her bed! She was able to sit up all by herself in bed before standing and this was a happy first! After getting back into bed she was ready for another dose of pain medication. The nurse has added a nerve pain medication to Mom's existing pain medications. Mom wanted me to post that she is in room #642.

I will be flying back home tonight at 7:30pm. I am SO thankful that I have been able to be here up to this point and wish that I could stay longer, but alas my children need me and Cody has to work for the next 3 days straight. I am very grateful that Duane and Kelty will be here with Mom.

One of the reasons I have been more detailed on these last few posts is because I really want my Mom to be able to read about what has been happening. I'm not sure that she will remember much of these last few days at all, or even that I was here by her side as much as I could possibly be. When you are able to read this Mom please know that you were truly incredible each day I was here. You were kind and sweet to each person who attended to you and displayed so much courage. I will continue to check in several times a day with Kelty and Duane to find out how you are doing. I love you so much!


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