Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Rough Night with a Great Walking Moment

It's 1:30am and I wanted to post one more time tonight. Mom has been experiencing much more pain this afternoon and evening. We have meet with the pain specialist twice. The first time we discovered that she was "over medicated," so we were advised to help her cut back on the morphine drip. Several hours later her pain became much more severe and she was re-evaluated by the specialist again. Her morphine drip dosage was reduced and she has been given the ok to push it up to 6 times an hour. She is also taking Perkiset (I have no clue how to spell it) and her dose was increased to 2 pills every 3 hours instead of 1 pill every 4 hours. The pain medication does make her really quite groggy and confused, but even in that state she continues to say that the pain is to much to handle.

However just as I finished writing the last paragraph Mom had a strong urge to stand up and walk. She was totally amazing! First she walked in place griping the walker and lifted one foot at a time. As soon as the nurse and I were able to get the iv's in our hands she was ready to walk forward several steps and then she even turned around to walk back to her bed. Oh this was exciting! Mom said "Even though it kills I feel great being able to walk because I know that this is what will help me heal faster and better." She is now settled back into bed and going in and out of sleep. I wish for her that she were able to stay asleep for longer than just a few minutes at a time.

I am SO SO glad that we have a private nurse here in the room with Mom during the night. I certainly could not provide the level of care that she has needed tonight on my own. I think I may even venture back to the hotel room for a few hours of sleep before we start our day tomorrow.

Thanks to all those who have left comments for Mom. When she is alert enough I know that reading them to her will bring her so much comfort and joy.


1 comment:

Sparks said...

Rachelle here. What a remarkable journey you are all on and we feel deeply privileged to be vicarious members of the expedition. I'll be reporting to Ginger's RS sisters this morning. For those who use the computer, all have been so touched by the messages posted by you children and spouses. Yet another indication of Ginger's remarkable life is seen in her remarkable children and their very wise choices in marriage. Our prayers and love continue for you Ginger and all your caregivers...(especially Kelty). Often those who love us the most are entitled to the most needful bits of revelation in the moment. Answers. So many questions. With love, there are always answers.

Love always,