Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Recap from the Kids

Family and Friends,

Thank you so much for all the loving support and prayers, the positive energy has been felt throughout this process. Thank you to Dion for updating the blog, Leah, Kelty, and I wanted to give a quick sibling update. Here is a review of yesterday with some more details.

12:00 P.M. : After braving the NY traffic on a commute into the city from New Rochelle we arrived at the hospital right on time. From the moment we sat down at the check in station people were warm and friendly. Mom started signing paper work and got her plastic medical bracelet. We then walked to the "waiting" room where we ran into Dr. Boachie. We did no waiting and were shown directly to a surgery prep room by the doctor.

1:00-2:00: There were many prods and checks to prepare mom for the surgery. Dr. Boachie came back in and drew lines where the incision would be. He visited with us briefly and was very warm and calming. All of the hospital staff seemed to acknowledge that Dr. B was a well respected surgeon. There were many "oh, you are with Dr. Boachie, that is good" comments from nurses preparing mom for the surgery.We also met with the anesthesiologist Kate. She was very kind and professional. She immediately noticed that mom has a small throat. She was concerned that it was going to be challenging to get the breathing tube in. Because of this she mentioned that once they got the tube in they would keep it in for the remainder of the night. This was because of mom's history with sleep apnea.

Between the time that the nurses and doctors were doing their final checks before the surgery mom was very bright and positive. She was happy and was full of thoughtful and kind things to say.At one point, around 1:30 she paused and said that she could feel the prayers and support in her behalf. She really seemed to be buoyed up by the love and support she felt.

Mom was also full of thoughtful advice and tender words of love. I think that because mom lost her dad at a young age she has been particularly sensitive to the fact that death can come even when unexpected. For this reason perhaps, she has prepared well incase the worst scenario occurred. I think she was in this mode of thought in her conversations prior to the surgery.

2:00 p.m.: They hooked up mom to an IV and Kate then gave her a sedative. They then started to wheel her out and the drug quickly started working. As mom was fading she asked that we all be contributors on a daily basis and that we work to be "givers." She said "I love you" many times and asked us to "be kind to the earth." Then she was whisked away.

3:40 p.m.: The attendant in the family waiting room informed us that the surgery had just started. We found out later that the small delay was due to the fact that there were some complications in getting the breathing tube in.

8:20 p.m.: After what felt like a long wait, Dr. Boachie came into the family waiting room and let us know the surgery had gone well. He showed us photos on his digital camera of some x-rays of mom's spine. We saw it from the back and side views. It looked incredible. The curve was almost totally gone. It looked straight. I bet mom has gained a few inches. He seemed very positive and optimistic, but he also looked tired.

The Anesthesiologist came in to the room and Dr. B departed. She shared that mom would be in the recovery unit all night and would remain sedated. This was because the breathing tube would be kept in. Kate also confirmed that mom's surgery went well and that all the indicators were positive.

8:30 p.m.: Dressed in sterile smocks we were permitted to enter the recovery unit one at a time for about 5 minutes each. Mom was hooked up on various machines and was asleep/sedated due to the breathing tube. Arian brought in the special shawl that mom had requested and each said a few words of "positive affirmation" per mom's request.

The last thing we were told was that Mom would have the tube taken out around 8:30am the following morning and the first time we would be able to see her would be soon after that time.

Again, we are so grateful for all the helping hands and faith filled support. Mom is so fortunate to have people who care deeply about her. It was a blessing to be able to have the surgery here and especially under the hands of an accomplished and kind surgeon like Dr. Boachie. We feel truly blessed and appreciative that mom will be able to enjoy a better quality of life and added longevity because of this event. We have much to be grateful for.


Arian, Leah, and Kelty

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

We are so glad that things went so well. You are in our thoughts and prayers!!
Rebecca Lloyd