Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday and Friday May 29th and 30th


There has been alot going on here, so I will some up some of the most important info. Yesterday (thursday) we had been told that Mom would be leaving the hospital. As it turned out, her meds were still not moderating the pain enough, so mom is still in the Hospital at this point. After a good talk with her close friend and brother, my Uncle Scott, mom felt very comforted even though she had bouts of pain throughout the evening. Through a detailed discussion with Moms wonderful Doctor, Sue Dyle (thank you so much Sue) it was confirmed that Mom is on an appropriate amount and type of medication for the pain, even though it is still overwhelming.

More soon,


1 comment:

Ginger said...

Ginger my dear friend~

How wonderful to be surrounded by loving and helpful family members! Know that you have my prayers, hopes and love for you to get beyond this painful stage as soon as possible. I'm pulling for you, gal! You're in my thoughts, sweetie.

Much love,